Workouts that always feel good.

"When I started with SFC, I had never done any consistent strength training.  All of my focus had been on cardio.  The previous 6 months, I had a fall and broke my elbow, and had to do consistent strength training for the first time in rehab.  My passion is horseback riding, but I knew that my core strength needed work to help with balance in the saddle.  However, my work doing “crunches” and “sit-ups” never seemed to make any difference.  I also wanted help with flexibility.  In the time that I have been working with SFC, I have finally started building the core strength that I have been looking for.  One thing that I loved about the workouts from the beginning was that they always feel good.  They are tailored to exactly what your body is physically able to do at that time, so there is no strain or pain with any movements.  I had tried in the past to do plank work but since I didn’t have the core strength to jump right into it, it never felt right.  Now that I have built up the strength to properly execute a plank, I can feel good about doing it and not worry that I’m doing more harm than good.  Also, the awful next-day soreness that I have experienced with overly ambitious workouts in the past just doesn’t happen.  The “feeling good” continues to the next day.  Another aspect of SFC that I truly appreciate is the holistic approach to wellness.  Laci frequently provides articles and links to the latest ideas in fitness, wellness, and mind-body connections that are both cutting edge and also based in solid science and good research.  Often, I have seen new fitness advances and recommendations from Laci that shows up in mainstream sources months later.  All in all, SFC provides a fantastic holistic approach to fitness and strength training that really gets results.  I am a big fan!"
